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Chocolate Chilli Mustard

Chocolate Chilli Mustard

There is a strange law when it comes to food that even when you really like certain foods separately when combined together the sum is not always greater than the parts.  In fact, sometimes it is far, far less (peanut butter ketchup cheese sandwiches for example).  Yet, there are other times when you least expect a successful result and you get an Old School-esque “It’s Glorious!” concoction.  Such is the case with Chocolate Chilli Mustard.  Three things most men like on their own but might grimace at the thought of together.  Before you go all bitter beer face on us, give this condiment a fair shake and try some on a sandwich, as a dip for parties or even on some big pot roast, or, you could be like us, and just grab a spoon.

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