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The Best Movies From A-Z

The Best Movies From A-Z


I: Into the Wild

If you ever wanted to leave it all behind and explore the wilderness while an awesome soundtrack plays, here you go. Amazon Instant iTunes


J: Jaws

Single-handedly made us afraid of the ocean when we were younger. Amazon Instant iTunes


K: The Killing Fields

About as real as a war movie can be, without being a documentary. Amazon Instant iTunes


L: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Not many sequels live up to their predecessor, but in this case, it surpasses it. Amazon Instant iTunes


M: The Matrix

It will turn your brain into mush. In the best way possible. Amazon Instant iTunes


N: No Country For Old Men

Books are almost always better than the movie. This film, based off a Cormac McCarthy novel, does a great read justice. Amazon Instant iTunes


O: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Picking the best Jack Nicholson movie is like picking the best player in an all-star game. His performance as the crazy/not-so-crazy Randle McMurphy, however, takes One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest to the top. Amazon Instant iTunes

Pulp Fiction

P: Pulp Fiction

Tarantino’s best film. And that’s saying a lot. Amazon Instant iTunes

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